Samstag, 5. Januar 2013

My First Post Here And WIP Shots, Riggedingdong Song!

Well hello and welcome to my first post here on (t)-Raumschmiede!
As my cabbage soup is still on the stove and has to stay there for at least half an our (it's on the stove since one and a half hours) I write this post. We were thinking about what we as a collective of three painter dudes could present you to show you some nice content. Hmm... I think we will show you the usual stuff. Meaning WIP stuff, tutorials, thoughts, event coverages and so on...just all the stuff that got quite common since Massivevoodoo. But Martin also wants something that just we are doing. That's a hard task to find because there is nearly nothing we could do, that others haven't done yet.  Me'se think'se we should just post stuff and our specialness might come to us on it's own. But I don't say that here's going to be a lot of content and crazy shit, I just say that we're just the usual.

Well as I met yesterday with Martin at his place to paint together, I started a bust sculpted by the world famous Sascha Buczec aka Goatman. Preparing the bust was quite a hard task for me, because I'm not so good at it/kind of lazy. I had to fill up a lot of bubble holes, had to resculpt some details and in the end after the foundation spray I still saw a lot of bubble holes I hadn't seen before the foundation spray. Well I filled some of them with liquid green stuff but I left some of them just as they were...lazy me...were just tooooo many...
But in total I would say the cast is oookay, but as far as I know Goati is not a professional caster, like Dieter B.

Here you can see the base colour for the skin:

Here the progress after  4 hours of painting:

And here one hour later:

First I wanted the skin to become not so green, I mean just hints of green here and there. It somehow turned out differently I think, but I can't really tell because I got a red/green colour deficiency. Doesn't mean I see grey instead of red or green, or can't see green or red, just sometimes when they are together on one surface and are kind of similar in their properties, like brightness or saturation (I think) they look nearly the same to me and I can't tell if it's a green or a red, meaning I see the green as a could be red or the red as a could be green or just a beige.
Well as I got the problem that I sometimes rush trough a paintjob due to my infernal hunger for painting instead of taking time, I'm going for starting three projects simultaneously. One for the hunger, one to take time with and one for my converting hunger. Well at the moment, I only got three painting projects. One I started before christmas, one yesterday and one not yet started. Because the one before christmas is hard to transport I started a bust. And due to the painting pause over christmas the hunger got too big and I painted tooo fast. Hmm I think I have to somehow slow me down a bit...another painting session on my own today or tomorrow.
Well the base tone for the skin is kind of dwarf flesh, kommando khaki, scorpion green, fortress grey, german tank brown and maybe some more colours until I had a base colour I liked. I normally don't write down my colour recipes, and I normally don't try to remember them, so that I will always try a new mixture when I start painting a new miniature.
 Due to that I can close my wet palette I sometimes leave it with all the colours in there during the whole the painting process, means sometimes days, sometimes weeks. As my nose isn't the best one, I can't tell if it starts stinking. I don't care as long as the paints are paintable and don't say hallo to me. I even keep the painting water during the process...hmm stinky pigment soup.
I darkened the base colour with em german tank brown, second with more tank brown, then some liche purple and black, more black. The highlights were...ehm...fortress grey, ivory, more of that, then fleischfarbe, more of that. I think that's it...not sure... now some glazes with red gore here and there, ah and one over everything with tank brown (the hope for that was to make the green less look green). The bumps were painted with glazes of red gore over the skin tone, more, more red gore. For the lights it was fleischfarbe into the red gore, more fleischfarbe. I think that's it at the moment.

Well, well, well I hope you like my first posting. If so, follow us and/or leave a comment. I wouldn't mind if you even leave a comment on how lame you think I am. It would help me getting better. Thanks.

PS: Dammit forgot the soup...

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