Samstag, 19. Januar 2013

Old study stuff - part two

Aloa my friends,
welcome to some more old stuff from my studies.

I hope you don't mind the advertisement but it is necessary sometimes.
We also need to buy our food and pay our bills.

Tomorrow a bunch of auctions ends (and a new one will be up every week until my soon lost studio is empty) and you got some nice bargains there.
You'll find 5 limited things that are sold out, two statues, a gothic ruin and two codizes
some original packed kits for big monsters, a no longer sold Assault on Black Reach...and of cause the


Just check in and get something  nice for you or maybe some loved people ;)

Find all the stuff HERE !

And now, finally, pictures!

That was a sports hall we drafted for a local school in our 4th semester.
Today I would do a lot things different, maybe I'll find some time for that someday.

Second semester and hell I loved it.
The task was to take a sheet of paper and cut into it, fold it etc to create a house.
I just changed the scale and won place for some more buildings that all are just one room.
All the ways, the pool and the inner garden are the rooms "footprints" , all the sides that are needed to create them from a two dimensional sheet.
Very experimental but satisfying to do.

My next week will be full of rendering, let's see what this pictures will look like, so long after the ones I showed you. 
I am exited for sure!

Read you soon,

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