Sonntag, 15. April 2012

Cheap Hobby Stuff - candle holder as sockets, socket wip and some impressions

Hello out there,
time to write again.

Today I'll start with some very cool things I found while shopping at Ikea.
They have nice tea-light holders, which are perfect to build some sockets for our miniatures!

I payed 6 Euro and got 12 new sockets, nice deal :)
I think it is a good way to get started with cabinet basing, you don't want to buy an expensive socket for your first steps.
It doesn't hurt that much if your test object was cheap. (I know how bad it feels to know you just ruined 20 Euro)

Let's have a closer look:

With my new sockets, I started to play around this morning.

Think they'll turnout as chaos shrines, both will get some more attention later.

Today also some things on Ebay are ending, I was forced to sell some of my old tabletops stuff.
If you are interested in Chaos Marines or classic terminators, you might want to check this links:

To say good by, some impressions, my hobby room, things that help me through my projects and some more furniture :)

 Once more, I am addicted to Energy Drinks, I think I'll never get rid of that stuff^^

 Our new atelier starts to work, much place to store all the hobby stuff and tools.

And much stuff that wants to be stored :) Chaos soon will be defeated.

More color for my wardrobe. He still needs some work, but I start to like him. And hey, no more white that disturbs me.

Have a nice day everyone!

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