Mittwoch, 1. Mai 2013

The comforting companion - Your bitbox

There are these days...
You can't wait to fall asleep the night before, you just want to wake up and start something you were really looking forward to come. Then the weather kills your barbecue, all your friends remember important stuff to do and don't appear at your place and then someone on ebay makes trouble and you see a lot of money dissolve into nothing, when you would have needed it most. Thank you life, I hate you too...
Well that was my day, a day I planned to be something special and relaxing.

But there is always something you can do to save the day anyways, for me ( I know, that's kind of weird ) this always has been cleaning, sorting and stuff like that. Shiny windows, a free workspace,  a sorted Bitbox are things that help me focus and relax, maybe the thought of adjusting a world that spirals out of control.

So I took one of my many cigar boxes ( the tobacco store gives them away for free, when they are empty, maybe you have something similar in you town ) and partitioned it. Nothing special, but a cool and cheap way to sort all those little bits and add some style to your collection.

My little collection of inquisitorial stuff and fitting things. I also reorganized my Space Marine Box and started to built more boxes for nearly everything I have.
If the world seems to hate you, just ignore her and everything will come back to order.

I'd like to remember you to check out my ebay auctions, as todays problems left me with a damn big hole in my finances and the ( T ) Raumschmiede stands still without that new compressor or some food for this dreamer to live from. If you know someone collecting Imperial Guard or Tau, or just loving cool scenery it would be very kind of you to tell them and spread the word. Thanks my friends.  

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