Montag, 20. Mai 2013

Out of order - little pause for the Dreamers

As you can see I was bitten by a Zombie, quite a different lifestyle if you ask me.
Searching for brains, loosing interest in everything, these guys don't know how to live.

Last weeks were a real busy time, working two jobs while studying and writing here on the Blog. My two little babies also want there attention and since they learned how to open doors and cabinets I better pay it to them.  As I start to look like a zombified Hobo again, I decided it would be time for some sleep and rest before I burn out again. So this week no Painters Unite and I think no tutorials for the upcoming week. Only thing I have to finish soon is the announcement for my first Workshop, that will take place from 30.8. till 01.09. 2013 in the beautiful city of Göppingen. Details soon my friends.
I wish you a nice week, and say hello to my bed now.


1 Kommentar:

  1. We've all been there :) How about an edition of Parents unite once you are better with tips on how to manage your hobby/ family time? I can hear the catch phrase now...Sleep is for the weak!
