Dienstag, 31. Juli 2012

Imperial Guard Chimera

Long time no minis but this will change today.
I finally took a few hours to complete the tank I started back in Berlin with Zaphod.
We wanted to try some new techniques and have a fast fun project.
So here he comes, the paintjob with good gaming quality and battleworn as usual :)

He will hit ebay on sunday, together with a few other things, in case I have them ready then...
So if you like him, have a look on sunday when the auction starts :)

I really enjoyed the time I spent with Zaphod during the first progresses of this project, finishing him was kind of boring I have to admit, but hey sometimes a painters got to do what a painters got to do :)

My new Scribing tools have just arrived, now I'll have some fun with them and bring some new articles on the way.

Read you soon my friends

Sonntag, 29. Juli 2012


Another day hot as hell...
colors dry out, painting doesn't make that much fun...
time for some needlework.

Say hello to mine turtle (well, sort of), little birthday present for a friend.

My new scribing tools havn't arrived yet, it is to hot and dry to paint, well nothing miniature related to tell these days.

Read you soon.

Freitag, 27. Juli 2012

Tank rolling in...

Back in Berlin, my friend Zaphod and I started some airbrushwork on imperial tanks, to try out some new stuff (which we learned from hard video training, or in other words watching dvd all day, just to have an excuse NOT to start :) )

See some process pictures of my tank...

Priming with Tamyia Hull Red, really a great color to start with.

I used really thin colour, 1 part color to 6 parts thinner.

Donnerstag, 19. Juli 2012

Berlin, du bist so wunderbar...impressions of the GAU Nerdcamp 2012 - Part two

As promised, some more impressions of our great time in Berlin.

Over 30 walls were built from plasticard, additional details were added (screens, panels, tubes) and then everything was airbrushed.
There were also doors, which can be opened and closed.

Assembling 30 walls...

spraying 30 walls...

priming 30 walls...

...nice looking!

The LEDs and cables ready to be glued in place

Airbrush-squad ready to strike...

The near park was perfect to plan the next steps, get away from thinner polluted air and enjoy the rare moments of sunshine.

Different shades and details, such as logos and stripes were sprayed.

We produced tons of color-dust.

First check with the lights...

...and just a sample shot of our gaming table.

Well, there is still a lot of work to do, most details and a few more terrain pieces, but we have a nice and great looking base to work on further.

It was a great time, full of ideas, great conversations and colors...if you ever have the chance to spent a few days with such a project, do it, it's wort all the lack of sleep and sanity.

We also experienced the quick influence of Diablo 3, which changes a worker into something zombie-like that won't touch anything but his laptop and fresh meat ;)

The weekend will be quiet here at my blog, for I celebrate my birthday and swore not to touch anything thinner or glue related until Sunday...three days with tamyia color filling the air took their price from my lungs. Next investment will be a better gas mask.

Expect some new tutorials soon, related to scratch-building and building a gaming table...this time it will be mine :)

Berlin, du bist so wunderbar...impressions of the GAU Nerdcamp 2012 - Part one

I am back,
tired, sick and absolutely not able to do anything then sitting around and relax...
but I am happy as hell :)
The past few days were awesome, one of the best times I can remember.
I loved Berlin, the people I met, the creative madness I was allowed to be part of.

I'd like to share some of the best moments with you, wip pictures of our gaming table, the team, that built the whole thing, stupid stuff, that happens, when 6 to 8 freaks are locked in the same room...


My journey began with an painting evening.
My friend Siggi and I tried some new things and I gave a short introduction to oil colors...

We used an old Space Marine for some testing and I found a solution to our palette problem...
Wherever you get the urge to paint with oils, cigarette packages are perfect :)

I spent the next week with some guys I chat with about miniature related stuff and nonsense.
We all met in Berlin to build a gaming table for Badsmiles upcoming project GAU.

The whole project was done for wargaming in 54mm scale, everything was scratchbuilt.
That means, we used plasticard, old bitz and old electronics to build everything.

To build something new, you've got to destroy something old first.

Transparent paper was used to try out some versions of the floor,
then we drew lines using plates for the curves. Using a scribing tool, we scribed all the lines later. (Engraving the lines from the plasticard)

Example of a sribing tool

The floor took quiet a time to be drawn and scribed, but turned out very nice in the end.

The table has LED lights and a few areas built down into it...

One of my tasks was the design and scratching of the elevators and a bridge, to add some hight to our table.
The first design was drawn on a empty pizza box, unfortunately there is no picture of this sketching.

The table represents the inner regions of a space craft, so everything would be simple, modular and technical. We choose a clean and flat style for the design.
The bridge was taken from a plastic tank kit, the supporting structure was scratched from plasticard.
The elevators are sratched and spare parts of old water guns.

Another piece of terrain was the CIC (Combat information center).
Some might notice Mati and I were quite addicted to mass effect these days :)

We had a part of the hull of some space ship kit and a few bits, look what you can achieve with that...

There is no  big deal about scratching, just take some rubbish, try to let it look more than tech and you have something nice to paint...

It glows...how cool is that?
Some special effect will be added, when we got the right equipment...

We also made engine chambers which were built into the styrofoam of our table.

Again, we took tons of bitz and plasticard and changed them into something new.
Don't be afraid if everything doesn't look that like a machine...priming will bring all parts together.

It is a pitty one sees so little of them later.

Tomorrow part two.
I think I will make a few tutorials with things I learnt during these days, read you soon.

Donnerstag, 5. Juli 2012

Time to leave Dresden, Hitting the Road today...

Dear readers,
the next weeks might be a quiet time, as I am traveling to Berlin for the next two weeks.

Two weeks full of color, creativity, great people and distance from everything I dont want to see anymore.
I really love my city, all the places full of memories, my friends and my flat. No other place I want to live, but sometimes you have to pack your things and leave for a while.
During the last weeks I felt strange here, the days seemed to pass without anything to happen, the taste of home was like a fading memory.

Whenever I start to feel this way, I leave.

There will be much and more to be told when I am back, some projects will be finished, for I take them with me, and I am sure there will be many unforgetable moments.

I wish everyone a nice time, enjoy the summer, paint and meet the people you hold dear, or just hit the road like me. Whatever, have fun.